Lent Course: A Rule for Life

Lent Course: A Rule for Life Join us for our 2025 Lent Course, where we will be giving time to exploring our relationship with God and giving practical tools on how we deepen our commitment to follow Christ every day of our lives. The course will begin with a guided afternoon retreat on Ash Wednesday, […]
A Study Course on the Gospel of John

A Study Course on the Gospel of John with The Revd Canon Professor Richard A. Burridge Wednesdays 15 January – 26 February, 2:30pm-4:30pm in Exeter Cathedral’s Sacristy The course is also repeated on the same Wednesday evenings, 6:30pm-8:45pm in the Baptist Church, 25 South Street, Exeter, EX1 1EB Following on from his successful course on […]
The Enthronement of the 72nd Bishop of Exeter

The Enthronement of the 72nd Bishop of Exeter Saturday 2 November, at 3pm Join us for the Enthronement Service of the new Bishop of Exeter, The Right Reverend Dr Mike Harrison, at Exeter Cathedral on Saturday 2 November, at 3pm. Following traditions stretching back hundreds of years, the Enthronement Service will feature contributions from local […]
Grandisson Service of Lessons and Carols

Grandisson Service of Lessons and Carols Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 December at 6pm All are welcome at this unique service of lessons and carols for Christmas, which opens with Bishop John de Grandisson’s service for Christmas. Still Exeter’s longest-serving bishop (1327-69), Bishop Grandisson wrote his service specifically for Exeter Cathedral, using its Choristers and […]
A brief history of the Church of England

A brief history of the Church of England Tuesday 29 October, 7:30pm in Exeter Cathedral’s Sacristy A brief history of the Church of England with Canon Professor Morwenna Ludlow. The Church of England is often described as ‘catholic and reformed’ but what does that mean? How has each tradition come together in this unique way? […]