Holy Week with Canon Angela Tilby
Sunday 24 March – Friday 29 March
Join Canon Angela Tilby for Holy Week as she traces the path to the cross and resurrection by reflecting on particular psalms at Exeter Cathedral.
“These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you – that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled.” Luke 24.44
Though the psalms were written long before the time of Christ they have always held a special place in the life of the Christian Church because they seem to point so powerfully to the meaning of his life, death and resurrection. Jesus would have known the psalms intimately, and, according to two of the Gospel accounts, died with words from the 22nd psalm on his lips. In the early church, the psalms were given special status as the core of the Church’s prayer to Christ and of Christ’s prayer to the Father through the Church. St Augustine wrote:
“Jesus Christ, who on earth prayed the psalms, now prays them with his members. He won these members by his life and death on the cross. With us, therefore, as we pray the psalms, he offers to the Father praise, gratitude, sorrow for our sins, petitions for grace.” (On the Psalms 138.12)
The psalms are also wonderful prayers for individuals as we wonder, question, struggle and rejoice our way through our lives.
Canon Angela Tilby will be speaking at Exeter Cathedral at the following times throughout Holy Week:
Palm Sunday 24 March at 9:45am
Monday 25 March at 7:30pm
Tuesday 26 March at 7:30pm
Wednesday 27 March at 7:30pm
Thursday 28 March 7:30pm
Good Friday 29 March at 1:30pm
All are welcome to attend. No booking required.
About the speaker
Angela Tilby is a writer, broadcaster and theological educator. She is a Canon Emeritus of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford and a Canon of Honour at Portsmouth Cathedral. She now lives in Portsmouth and is writing a book on the promise and perils of the Church of England.