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Exeter Nativity

Exeter Nativity

Sunday 17 December at 4pm, doors open at 3:15pm

The Exeter Nativity returns, with a star studded cast taking the parts of all the well known members of the story and some not so well known. Of course, we have Mary and Joseph, Wise Men, Shepherds, King Herod and Gabriel. But did you ever hear about the gossips of Nazareth and what about the Innkeeper’s wife, without whom there would be no stable scene. There are King Herod’s handmaids, one feeding him chocolate the other pouring him wine but drinking most of it herself! However, the real stars are Harry and George, the llamas who dress up as very convincing if slightly diminutive camels.

This is a re-telling of the Christmas story for children, adults and the young at heart of any age. It is brought to you by the staff of Exeter Cathedral and their friends and generously sponsored by C Tax – Christians Together Across Exeter.

Please book your free ticket to attend.