Awards commendation for Cathedral mason Matt

A stonemason from Exeter Cathedral has been recognised by a historic livery company as part of the biennial Duke of Gloucester Awards from the Worshipful Company of Masons.

Matt Hoskins, one of a team of four masons working full-time on the city’s iconic Cathedral, was given a commendation for his submitted portfolio of work which has included high-profile projects around the Cathedral’s east gable. It was presented at Choral Evensong in Exeter Cathedral on Monday 21st May 2018.

Chris Sampson, Clerk of Works and himself a Master Mason, added his congratulations:

“Matt has been with us since November 2013 and was also part of the team that was awarded a special commendation in the same awards programme in 2015.

“I am delighted that he has once again been recognised by our industry as he continues to develop his craft here at the Cathedral.”

The biennial award is jointly supported by the Worshipful Company of Masons and the Stone Federation of Great Britain, and is awarded to qualified masons with the aim of encouraging high standards in all aspects of the craft of stonemasonry.

Exeter Cathedral’s team of masons is currently working through a ten-year programme of major works to continue the conservation and restoration of the building, some of which dates back to the 11th century. They are generously supported by the Friends of Exeter Cathedral and the Worshipful Company of Masons.

The service on Monday 21st May was led by the Dean of Exeter, the Very Revd Jonathan Greener. Pictured (left to right) Chris Sampson (Clerk of the Works, Exeter Cathedral), Matt Hoskins (Stonemason, Exeter Cathedral), Peter Clark (Master, Worshipful Company of Masons), The Very Revd Jonathan Greener (Dean of Exeter).

Matt Hoskins working on the replacement pinnacle for the East Gable.